About the Blog

I have dwelled on the idea of starting a new blog from the onset of 2010. But it isn't until a whole month has passed that this spur-of-the-moment idea made it to the table.
     The reincarnation of my blog falls specifically on the second Sunday of Februrary 2010. I have aligned it specifically on the calendar as an attribution to my blog's title : Capturing Sundays. Well then, dear readers, why Sunday, and not any other days? To enlighten you on this, I need to state the fact that I am not referring to a noun, but rather a description: Sun's day.
     Although my knowledge of religion is mostly superficial, it takes a casual observer to realise the universal sun worshipping among men. From the Pagan's holiday termed the sol invictus, the Egyptian's mighty sun god Amon-Ra, to the church's Sunday services, apparently men gaze up to the blinding light and instinctively sense the divine. And how can't we?
     The hard facts of science hit on exactly the same mark. Earth receives more energy from the Sun in one hour than the world uses in a whole year-the same amount of energy, which, can cut a household's annual water bil by 50 percent, and which demand has grown by 30 percent per annum over the last fifteen years.
    If it bemuse you, leave apart the jargon. In my own words, the Sun feels like an ice-cream sliding down your throat on a 95 degree day; a dazzling smile from the cute guy you have a crush on; or the butterflies in your stomach when you board the plane for the first time. When I think Sundays, I have a vision of a chink of illumination into the week's blues. To put it somehow more sophisticatedly, the silver linings around the clouds. And believe me, I am a person who's always in the blues.
     Henceforth, I could always understand the down-in-the-dumps moments and the crawl-under-the-duvet-and-die-there-and-then feelings. More than ever, I know that no matter how tough a person can be on the outside, there's a soft spot somewhere inside everyone. So, to anyone who's feeling a little blue at the moment, or any moment of the day, here's the summers, sweat and a burst of sunshine!

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