Another sleepless night again.
I have been doing a lot of thinking and rethinking these few days. I know for a fact that every single day of our lives, we make choices - and most of the time, we regretted them. The question is, how can I tell if they're unmistakably life-altering bad choices, or simply an occasional discontentment with life after having a bad day? After that, should I just carry on with my life, because it's the easiest way out; or should I make right my mistake even if it means starting all over again?
I have been doing a lot of thinking and rethinking these few days. I know for a fact that every single day of our lives, we make choices - and most of the time, we regretted them. The question is, how can I tell if they're unmistakably life-altering bad choices, or simply an occasional discontentment with life after having a bad day? After that, should I just carry on with my life, because it's the easiest way out; or should I make right my mistake even if it means starting all over again?